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This group gathers enthusiasts of automation, AI, and machine learning in the context of evidence-based healthcare

Adapting Recommendations with GRADE- Adolopment

Join us in our upcoming webinar, where Dr Miloslav Klugar will present the GRADE-Adolopment process, complemented by Justyna Lityńska who will present GRADEpro’s adolopment module.
14:00 - 15:00 CET | 08:00 - 10:00 EDT | 05:00 - 07:00 PDT

GRADE your evidence and improve your guideline development in health care

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Creating guidelines with GRADEpro GDT is easy! Today with over 100.000 users GRADEpro has become a reference point for on how to enable and aid collaboration and management in both small and large distributed teams.